Solms, Mark: Neuroscience and Freuds dream theory (englisch)
Einzelvortrag zum Leitthema: träumen Vortrag anlässlich der 55. Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen: "lernen" / "träumen" vom 10. - 22. April 2005
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Pert, Candace: Die Moleküle der Emotionen (englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Unity in Duality-Tendrel" vom 10. - 13. Oktober 2002 in München
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Siegel, Daniel: The Mindful Brain - Das achtsame Gehirn
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Wissenschaft und Spiritualität - Neue Perspektiven für die Erziehung"" vom 27. - 29. Juli 2007 in Freiburg
Mindful awareness is emerging in the fields of education, mental health, and medicine as an essential process that can promote effective learning, psychological well-being, empathy, and physiciological health. This keynote address will examine recent scientific findings from the fields of neuroscience and from attachment research that implicate the central role of attunement in the promotion of well-being.
Mindful awareness is emerging in the fields of education, mental health, and medicine as an essential process that can promote effective learning, psychological well-being, empathy, and physiciological health. This keynote address will examine recent scientific findings from the fields of neuroscience and from attachment research that implicate the central role of attunement in the promotion of well-being.
Pert, Candace: Die Moleküle der Emotionen (englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Unity in Duality-Tendrel" vom 10. - 13. Oktober 2002 in München
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