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Edgette, John: Winning the mind game - Hypnotic advances (english/englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Sport is most often played best when simple yet eloquent. So too both hypnosis and sport psychology! This pre-congress workshop will teach 3 easy and highly effective ways to hypnotize a client, 4 ways to teach a client how to give themselves self suggestions for maximum performance, and provide protocols that allow sport psychologists to work with an athlete in any sport, with any problem, at any phase of their career.
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Trenkle, Bernhard: Anleitung zum nicht-erfolgreich-sein
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober in Heidelberg
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: The Effects of long-term self-hypnotic training
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
I. INTRODUCTION: IMT, a systematic Self-Hypnotic training, has during 35 years been used by more than 3 million Swedish people. Starting with the National and Olympic Teams and the Swedish School System in the seventies, IMT has then been applied to most areas of the Swedish Society. II. BACKGROUND: Integrated Mental Training was created 1970 based on a number of studies in the sixtees. These studies focused on three areas: A. Hypnosis (...)
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Alman, Brian: Self-Hypnosis for Being 100% You and 100% in the Present
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
In stressful situations and high pressure competition, most people focus on the end result. They miss the present by focusing too much in the future. This causes physical and mental tensions that block 100% performance. All competition is about right now in this very moment. That is why our thoughts, feelings and awareness need to be right here right now. Self-hypnosis offers simple and fast (milliseconds) methods for being present.
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Furman, Ben: Reteaming - a key to motivation (engish/englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Reteaming is a simple and popular framework for coaching, managing change, and solving problems designed by Ben Furman and Tapani Ahola in the 90’s. Reteaming is a step-by-step procedure for assisting individuals, teams and even entire organizations to solve problems and to accomplish desired changes.
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Cauffman, Louis: Solution focused coaching. More effect with less effort
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Applying the epistomology and methodology from solution-focused therapy to the world of business and organisations offers coaches a decisive, quick yet sustainable way of helping their clients to help themselves.
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Alman, Brian: Learn The Self-Hypnosis Skills Needed for Peak Performances in Stre...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Almost everyone is amazed by the sheer physical skill of great athletes who push their bodies so hard for so many hours a day, month after month. And almost everyone knows that just as important as their physical training -- and as relevant to all of us -- is the mental training that goes into peak performance in stressful situations.
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Furman, Ben: Twin Star - how to reach people in organisations to enjoy their wor...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
The Twin Star is a simple solution-focused model for teaching managers and staff the key ingredients of how to create happy workplaces. The eight point star model has been developed by psychiatrist Ben Furman and social psychologist Tapani Ahola and is derived from many years of experience in reteaming coaching. The Twin Star comprises two stars, a blue and a yellow one.
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Meiss, Ortwin: Trance, Flow und Peakperformance: Die Entwicklung von Spitzenleistu...
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresse: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
In diesem Vortrag werden die psychologischen Bedingungen für Spitzenleistungen an Hand von anschaulichen konkreten Beispielen beschrieben. Ortwin Meiss zeigt, wie psychologisches Wissen in der Arbeit mit Sportlern umgesetzt werden kann.
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Hambüchen, Bruno: Erfolgssteigerndes Selbstmanagement für Leistungsträger und ihr Team
Workshop von 2007, gehalten auf dem Kongress Mentales Stärken in Heidelberg
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von Sichart, Astrid: Was dem einzelnen nützt, ist auch für das Unternehmen ein Gewinn
Führungskräftecoaching nach einem Assessment
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Im Unterschied zum Einzelcoaching ist der Kontext und Ablauf eines Gruppencoachings eher ungewöhnlich und daher unbekannter. Erfahrungen aus der Praxis in Bezug auf Methoden und Ablauf werden vorgestellt. Insbesondere wird der methodische Umgang mit dem Modell der logischen Ebenen, der Time-line und S.C.O.R.E gezeigt: (...)
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Edgette, John: The Hypnotic Erotic - Using Sport Psychology principles for enhance...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
This workshop shows how the principles of Ericksonian sport psychology can be used both for ameliorating sexual problems in men and women and enhancing the erotic experience. As in sport performance, sexual performance and pleasure can be greatly limited or enhanced by mental factors. These factors can be modified very quickly with hypnotic interventions.
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