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Wampold, Bruce E. and others: Closing: A view towards the future (engl.)
The closing is meant to be a place to collect and summarize the topics which emerged during the conference. Beginning with a summary of the results from the pre-congress and the discussions during the networking-time we then provide a "world café", where the participants will exchange their impressions, thoughts and ideas. (...)
Abschluss in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
Abschluss in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
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Wampold, Bruce E. and others: Panel: About the Future of Gestalt (engl.)
Therapy, Research, and Beyond
The research is dominated by the medical model, which is disliked by many gestalt-therapists. The contextual model (Wampold) offers an alternative. (...)
Panel in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
The research is dominated by the medical model, which is disliked by many gestalt-therapists. The contextual model (Wampold) offers an alternative. (...)
Panel in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
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Wampold, Bruce E.: The Humanistic Aspects of Effective Psychotherapy + Opening (engl.)
It is now well documented that psychotherapy is effective, yet research has failed to definitely determine how psychotherapy works. Nevertheless, there is evidence that the humanistic elements of psychotherapy are intimately involved in producing the benefits of psychotherapy. (...)
Opening und Vortrag in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
Opening und Vortrag in englisch im Rahmen der 5. Internationalen Forschungskonferenz der DVG "Gestalt for Future - Forschung vernetzen", 02. - 04. September 2022 in Hamburg
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