


Garvey, Bob: Researching Coaching: A critical perspective (englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des 1. Int. Coaching-Forschungskongress: Coaching meets Research… für die Praxis der Zukunft am 09./10. Juni 2010 in Olten/CH
With the growing interest in coaching around the globe, people are asking questions such as: Does it work? Is it value for money? How does it work? What do we do? How do we know that it is working? (...)
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Garvey, Bob: Researching Coaching: A critical perspective (englisch)
Vortrag anlässlich des 1. Int. Coaching-Forschungskongress: Coaching meets Research… für die Praxis der Zukunft am 09./10. Juni 2010 in Olten/CH
With the growing interest in coaching around the globe, people are asking questions such as: Does it work? Is it value for money? How does it work? What do we do? How do we know that it is working? (...)
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