Unestahl, Lars-Eric: Various Effects on Systematic Self-Hypnosis Training
especially on Psychophysiology and Neuroimmunology
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "11th Congress of the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine" vom 17. - 21. September 2008 in Wien/Vienna
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "11th Congress of the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine" vom 17. - 21. September 2008 in Wien/Vienna
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: The Effects of long-term self-hypnotic training
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
I. INTRODUCTION: IMT, a systematic Self-Hypnotic training, has during 35 years been used by more than 3 million Swedish people. Starting with the National and Olympic Teams and the Swedish School System in the seventies, IMT has then been applied to most areas of the Swedish Society. II. BACKGROUND: Integrated Mental Training was created 1970 based on a number of studies in the sixtees. These studies focused on three areas: A. Hypnosis (...)
I. INTRODUCTION: IMT, a systematic Self-Hypnotic training, has during 35 years been used by more than 3 million Swedish people. Starting with the National and Olympic Teams and the Swedish School System in the seventies, IMT has then been applied to most areas of the Swedish Society. II. BACKGROUND: Integrated Mental Training was created 1970 based on a number of studies in the sixtees. These studies focused on three areas: A. Hypnosis (...)
Unestahl, Lars-Eric: Developmental Hypnosis: Philosphy, Principles and Neurophysiologica...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Hypnosis and Neurosciences" - Clinical Implications of the New Mind-Body Paradigms vom 24. - 26. September 2009 in Rome
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: Systematic Mind Training for Sport- and Life Excellence (engl.)
Der Pionier des Mentalen Trainings, Lars-Eric Unestahl , der den Begriff "Mentales Training" 1969 prägte, gibt einen umfassenden Überblick und ein Update über die ganze Spannweite und die Möglichkeiten mentaler Techniken. (...)
Workshop in englisch im Rahmen des Kongresses "Mentale(s) Stärken: Sporthypnose - Selbsthypnose - Mentales Training - Coaching", vom 01. - 05. November 2023 in Würzburg.
Workshop in englisch im Rahmen des Kongresses "Mentale(s) Stärken: Sporthypnose - Selbsthypnose - Mentales Training - Coaching", vom 01. - 05. November 2023 in Würzburg.
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: 50+ years mental training for excellence in sport and life (engl.)
... past, present and future
Vortrag in englisch im Rahmen des Kongresses "Mentale(s) Stärken: Sporthypnose - Selbsthypnose - Mentales Training - Coaching", vom 01. - 05. November 2023 in Würzburg.
Vortrag in englisch im Rahmen des Kongresses "Mentale(s) Stärken: Sporthypnose - Selbsthypnose - Mentales Training - Coaching", vom 01. - 05. November 2023 in Würzburg.
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: Various Effects on Systematic Self-Hypnosis Training
especially on Psychophysiology and Neuroimmunology
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "11th Congress of the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine" vom 17. - 21. September 2008 in Wien/Vienna
Vortrag anlässlich des Kongresses: "11th Congress of the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine" vom 17. - 21. September 2008 in Wien/Vienna
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: Developmental Hypnosis: Philosphy, Principles and Neurophysiologica...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Hypnosis and Neurosciences" - Clinical Implications of the New Mind-Body Paradigms vom 24. - 26. September 2009 in Rome
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Unestahl, Lars-EricUneståhl, Lars-Eric: CHANGE - an integrated model of Mental Training ...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongress: Mentales Stärken - Kongress für Coaching, Mentales Training, Selbsthypnose, Sporthypnose in Heidelberg vom 21. - 24. Oktober 2010
Concepts: From Therapy to Training / From the Past to the Future / From Problems to Solutions / From a clinical to a developmental model / (...)
Concepts: From Therapy to Training / From the Past to the Future / From Problems to Solutions / From a clinical to a developmental model / (...)
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: 50 Jahre Erfahrungen mit Mentalem Training (englisch) - DVD
Ph.D. Lars-Eric Uneståhl, is a clinical psychologist, Professor in Applied Psychology and Mental Training and President for Scandinavian International University (...)
Eröffnungsvortrag anlässlich der Tagung: "Mentale Stärken 2014" vom 29. Oktober - 02. November 2014 in Heidelberg
Eröffnungsvortrag anlässlich der Tagung: "Mentale Stärken 2014" vom 29. Oktober - 02. November 2014 in Heidelberg
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: The Use of Posthypnotic Suggestions in Therapy and Personal Develop...
What every researcher and clinicians will know is that there are big response differences between subjects even when methods and hypnotists are not varied (...)
Vortrag anlässlich der MEG - Jahrestagung in Bad Kissingen vom 19. bis 22. März 2015
Vortrag anlässlich der MEG - Jahrestagung in Bad Kissingen vom 19. bis 22. März 2015
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Unestahl, Lars-Eric: The fundamentals of Integrated Mental Training (IMT) - a longterm s...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongresses: "Mentales Stärken" vom 24. - 28. Oktober 2007 in Heidelberg
Unestahl, Lars-EricUneståhl, Lars-Eric: CHANGE - an integrated model of Mental Training ...
Workshop anlässlich des Kongress: Mentales Stärken - Kongress für Coaching, Mentales Training, Selbsthypnose, Sporthypnose in Heidelberg vom 21. - 24. Oktober 2010
Concepts: From Therapy to Training / From the Past to the Future / From Problems to Solutions / From a clinical to a developmental model / (...)
Concepts: From Therapy to Training / From the Past to the Future / From Problems to Solutions / From a clinical to a developmental model / (...)
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